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Building Potential

“The Training Alliance is the voice of the training industry”

training alliance

The TA’s Code of Conduct

The TA have developed a Code of Conduct (“Code”) which demonstrates the Training Alliance’s commitment to delivering quality and service. Our Members are committed to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in the conduct of their business

Who are we

The Training Alliance (TA) was formed to bring together professional companies who would benefit from working together, to improve the face of the industry caused by other non-reputable training providers. The TA is exclusively created for invited members only. Members retain their own business identity but maximize their potential for growth and profitability by association with the group, and are deemed to be amongst best delivers of professional training in their sectors.

One of our aims, is to be THE voice of the Training industry and THE group of professional training providers, giving national coverage and setting the standards in professional and financial standing - to be treated as one. With our focus on members helping to train candidates, that are fit for purpose as opposed to have simply turned up!

Our Members

Our members, whilst remaining independent will work in an interdependent manner to benefit all within the supply chain. Members will establish, share and maintain best practices and remain focused in efforts to set and raise standards for the benefit of members of the Alliance and all of their stakeholders from suppliers to end users.

The TA Code

The TA have developed a Code of Conduct (“Code”) which demonstrates the Training Alliance’s commitment to delivering quality and service. Our Members are committed to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in the conduct of their business.

The Code is intended to assist Members of the Alliance to set, maintain and improve the standards of conduct within the industry by assuring all who deal with Members of the Alliance that they are conducting their business with reputable organisations.